This week Brett and I participated in the 2009 Metropolitan Games. For those of you that have never heard of this it’s a pretty fun little competition. They have a bunch of events to choose from and then companies from the Wasatch Front compete with each other for prizes and medals. My work participates every year and this year Brett and I got to join in on the fun. There were so many fun games to choose from but this year we signed up for Paintball and Golf! Yes, Paintball… Brett wanted to play so bad so I decided to just go for it. Brett ended up having to work that night so I had to play by myself. I was a little terrified at first but was able to enjoy it a bit more each game. We did fairly well only missing the semi-finals by 2 points! I made it out alive and only had a few bruises so it was a pretty successful night! We also played in a Golf Scramble this weekend. It was lots of fun but very cold and rainy. We defiantly had a great time and can’t wait for next year!
Getting ready for battle!
The paintball group!
Ready to golf...
CRAZY!! That looks like a lot of fun. I would be scared out of my mind.